Food Consultancy

Food Consultancy

Do you want to set up a new food business? Or do you want to enter a new market segment with your food company or respond to the latest food trend? Then our experienced food consultant will be happy to join your company for a while. Sanico Foods is a specialist in the field of food marketing and sales: with our broad expertise and fresh perspective, we know how to practically support your ambition.


Who will consult you?

Kamal Sani graduated with a Master of Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Birmingham, UK one of the top 50 universities in the world. After a couple of years of working internationally, he realized the importance of combining engineering with business to help understand markets. In April 2019 he graduated with a Master of Consultancy and Entrepreneurship from the Rotterdam Business School where he learned the importance of bringing innovative products to market, developing sustainable business models and launching international sales channels. In summary, he has both the technical and business skills to convert business models and plans to life.

Customer reviews

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